Magic TX Garage door service has more than 20 years of experience servicing and repairing garage doors. Our work clearly shows our experience on every job that we perform.
Some information about Magic TX Garage Door services will show why our company is a step above the rest. We offer a low service fee of $29.00, which is affordable on any budget. We are licensed and insured, and the staff are local and professionally trained. Magic TX Garage Door has the availability for a 24 hour emergency service to our commercial and residential customers. The customer satisfaction is the main guarantee.
Magic TX Garage Door are able to repair and service a wide range of needs including, but not limited too,spring replacement, garage door openers, broken cables, panel replacement, parts, opener remotes, roller replacements, bent track replacement, weather seal replacement, and other parts replacement. With safety being a main concern, the staff conduct a 25-point inspection to ensure the proper operation and installation.
Our wide variety of repair and service are guaranteed, as well as our affordable rates, and highly trained staff, the one thing that is clear is you will have the repairs you need done with the piece of mind that the work they do will always be backed up by a one hundred percent guarantee of excellence.